Wednesday 8 October 2008

Aachen, Germany

In December we plan on going to the christmas market in Aachen, Germany. I can't wait to go there because we plan on finding some handblown oranaments, getting chocolate from the chocolate factory, going to the Aachen cathedral and after being frozen and tired we will be going to the Thermal Spa! Yes for some relaxation and to warm up from the cold temps. Here is a Website I found and it looks very cool even though it is a municipal spa it looks pretty luxurious to me. It's a 24 hour trip from home to Germany, day of shopping and back with no hotel stays. We will have to get rest on the way home.

Lets not forget the food too! Yummy! and in that same city they have a cookie called a Printen. I look forward to trying one since it is made there.

Also, another highlight will be to visit the beautiful Aachen Cathedral/ "The Kaiserdom" Charlemagne a.k.a. Charles the Great/ King of Franks was from Aachen and had built the cathedral in 800A.D. It has the swaddling clothes of Christ and his loin cloth he wore on the cross. The cloth of which John the Baptist's head layed on after he was beheaded and the cloak of the Virgin Mary too.

So since I'm not really doing picture taking now here some sites I will see in Dec. If you come out to visit you can join me on this one day adventure!

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