Thursday 9 April 2009

The moorish castle up on the hill

The Streets of Gilbraltar

Up top of the Moorish Castle looking back at the upper rock

looking at the road that leaves the upper rock of Gibraltar

Moorish Castle, Gibraltar

looking down the stairs of the castle
Inside one of the rooms of the castle

To the entrance of  the Castle
The Ancient fortress, last rebuilt in 1333, its tower of homage dominates the only land entrance to Gilbraltar.
looking out from the Siege tunnels at the beach below

The rooms they dug out were quite large

You can't really tell this is a room but this is where they kept all the gun powder

The Siege Tunnels, Gibraltar

Dad and the boys

Excavated by atificers of the British Army during the Great Siege of 1779-83, these tunnels form part of what is arguably the most impressive defence system anywhere. 

Strait of Gilbraltar, views from the Apes Den

The Strait of Gilbraltar

The Mediterranean Sea that exits into the atlantic ocean 

The Port of Gilbraltar where over 70,000 ships past through a year

Typical primates!

Look Kerey has the same hairstyle as the monkey
Sean has the same pose as the baby monkey
He's thinking about how he can nick something out of my backpack!

Kimo and his buddies

Barbary Macaques/ tailess monkeys

Cheeky Monkey, he's up to no good.
The apes are tailess monkeys, properly know as Barbary macaques.  They roam freely through out the nature reserve.

The stalactites looked colored by lights shining on them.

St. Michaels Cave, Gilbraltar

Here we are in the entrance into the Grotto of limestone stalactites named St. Michaels cave. It sits 300m above sea level and is apart of the upper rock nature reserve.  It was amazing to see this natural wonder.

The Rock of Gibraltar!

Part of the Port on the Alantic side of Spain.
It was view was amazing from the top, you could look down below to see the port.
This was a scary drive up to the top of  the Rock.

Gibraltar is a British depedencey near the southern tip of the Iberian Pennisula at the Easten end of the strait of Gilbraltar; population 28,000.  Occupying a site of great stratigic importance, Gibraltar consist of a fortified town and a military base at the foot.  
British captured it during the War of the Spanish Succession in 1704.

Driving to Gilbraltar

There it is in the distance!