Saturday 3 July 2010

It's been to long! Happy Independence day!

Sorry that I had abandoned my blog account but ever since I found facebook I have been obsessed with it. I think that the blog is still a great tool to share with everyone what's been going on with us during our 3 year tour of England soon to turn into atleast a 5 year tour. So I will try to update anyone out there that still might stop by my blog to see how we are doing here.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Kimo - In case you don't remember me I was living in Arizona for a few years and had been trying to contact Warren's family. You called me and we talked for a while. I hope you can return my email and that my son (who is now 35) and my granddaughter can contact Warren or his family while we are home. We will be on Oahu 7/12-22nd. My email is

Much Aloha.

Joan Kuheana

(I changed my name a few years ago to Jonella DeLimas. Delimas is my ancestral Portugese name).