Sunday 18 May 2008

Good Night!

Hey, I will finish Posting my pictures later. I have to get up early tomorrow and go to the house and wait for the appliances to get delivered. It's almost 1:30am. Check back in a couple of days!
Take care! We Miss you all!


Robert said...

It looks like you guys are really enjoying yourselves over there.. I enjoyed all the pics, I am jealous... tell Kimo B.O. says hi.. we miss you all!

Jason said...

Hey Kimo its Barron just wanted to say hello. I am heading to OR. on June 8th for my BLM job. Should be a fun summer! Looks like you all are having a blast over there. Have a pint for me!

Unknown said...

hi aunty candice!
i hope you get this message. we just got our blog up and running also. its i miss you all tons and hope you're doing well. i wish i could come visit you guys over there! lol. it must be fun. anyway, keep in touch. ttysoon!
love shan

Sydney said...

Where are you guys??? I've been waiting for an update for two weeks now! :)

Mimi/Papa said...

Hi Kimo and Candice! It's the Brysons, aka Bill and Dianne, aka The Pig Cookers!! We didn't know for sure that you were moving to England, but when Sydney told us you were, in fact, there we were so excited for all of you! What a great thing for all of you! It's amazing living in another country, and that's why we're so happy that Sydney and Stu are also enjoying their time living abroad. We are going to see them in December and can't wait. Our e-mail is: if you ever have time to write to us. Our trip to Abu Dhabi "might" take us through London, so if we connect via e-mail we can let you know and maybe get together for a pint or two, OK? Love from Arizona!! Bill and Dianne (Monica's mom and dad)!!