Saturday 19 July 2008


Hiya (British greeting),

Sorry I haven't been to the blog but I've been busy just doing errands and running the kids back and forth to the base.

We spoke to Corey and he's doing fine. He had an accident at work which involved him and the driver of the golf cart tipped over and his ankle dragging under the cart. He's okay but not making money and his ankle is still swollen with blood blisters. Yummy!

Kimo finally has 3 days off and we are planning to take the kids to Alton Towers tomorrow to the amusement park. It is the only thing I think they will be doing this summer. If there Essays they turned into the Youth Centers get picked they will be able to go to Wales on a 4 day camping trip to water raft, rock climb and do other outdoor events for free. I of course volunteered to be a Chaperon but I'm wondering now if that was a smart thing seeing that it requires all this physical stuff.

I have been hitting the antique store and boot sales and just having a little bit of shopping fun collecting English things for a few quid (bucks) here and there.

I will post pictures this week of the Alton Towers trip. Should be fun lots of roller coasters! Until then, CHEERS!

Love to all,


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